Dealing With Dandruff? Here Are Homemade Remedies That You Can Try

Dandruff is a rather prevalent scalp problem. It produces itchy scalp skin, which is accompanied by flakes of dead skin. This illness is characterized by its flaky scalp and itchiness, but it can also create oily areas on the scalp and sensitive skin. The root reasons for dandruff comprise dry skin, seborrhea dermatitis, sensitivity to hair products, and the formation of a certain kind of fungus that grows on the scalp. Dandruff can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from hereditary to environmental. To put it in simple terms, when excessively fungus or bacteria builds on the oily areas of your scalp, it causes itching, which leads to flakiness.

Here are a few home treatments that you can create right in your kitchen:

Lemon for the rescue:

Lemon is a magical ingredient for dandruff, it works wonders and is easily available in every kitchen. Lemon is known for its anti-fungal properties which help in getting rid of itchiness when used regularly. Fresh lemon juice comprises acids that aid in the breakdown of the fungus that causes dandruff. It also does not include any toxic materials that might hurt your scalp.

How to do it?

All you need is two teaspoons of lemon juice and a few drops of any of your favorite oil if your skin is too dry. Next, add a spoonful of lemon juice and 1 cup of water or 2 drops of oil to a mixing bowl. Mix it well and use the mixture to rinse your hair. Let it sit for 10 min and then wash it. For optimal results, repeat this just before your daily shower. 

Apple cider vinegar rinse:

It helps in balancing the pH level of your scalp while curbing the fungal growth that is the main cause of increasing dandruff. At the same time, apple cider vinegar also helps in shedding the dead skin cells from your scalp which sometimes blocks the pores and hair follicles. 

How to do it?

You need one to two cups of apple cider vinegar and cold water. Mix them well and rinse the hair with it after you have shampooed your hair. Let it sit in the hair for about two to three minutes and wash it off. You can do it once a week or max two times a week to see results. Make sure to wash it after two to three minutes as it can dry out the hair if you kept it for a longer time. 

Yogurt and tea tree oil:

It is a well established fact that yogurt and tea tree oil are the best ingredients for treating dandruff at home. Lactic acid present in yogurt with its probiotics and antibacterial properties works great for treating this skin condition. As for tea tree oil, it is a potent ingredient in every anti dandruff product, be it a shampoo or lotion or treatment. Given its amazing cleansing and anti fungal properties, it is a must have product in your kit if you are suffering from dandruff. 

How to do it?

Take two to three teaspoons of yogurt and add a few drops of tea tree oil to it. Now all you have to do is damp your hair and apply the mixture. Keep it on for about 15- 20 minutes and rinse it off afterwards. Post that you can shampoo and condition your hair with anti dandruff products or regular shampoo. Do it at least once a week and you can start to feel the difference in a month. 


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